Wishsticks Reiki and Relaxation
29th March 2022
Every one of us has been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
I will continue to follow government and UK Reiki Federation guidelines when deciding what treatments and courses I can offer in person and remotely.
My priority is to keep you as safe as possible. The information below demonstrates the measures I implemented in line with the government guidelines when required to do so. At this current time not all these measures are needed, but I will return to these procedures if required in the future.
My Services
I will carry out a risk assessment on all services to establish what services I can offer safely.
Booking Appointments
When you book your appointment, I will ask you the following standard questions. If your booking is over a week in advance of your appointment, I will get in touch nearer the time to ask these questions. These enable me to comply with the guidelines of the UK Reiki Federation and help me to ensure that I am running a safe practice for all.
- How are you feeling today? Have you had a temperature, persistent cough or any other symptoms which you cannot account for in the last 14 days?
- Have you, anyone close to you had Covid-19, been tested for it or received treatment for it? If so when?
- Are you or is anyone you have close contact with self-isolating or shielding at the moment?
- Do you have any underlying health conditions which make you high risk to Covid-19? If so, which health conditions?
- Have you been following the social distancing guidelines set out by the Government?
If there is any cause for concern, we will have a discussion regarding the suitability of a booking at this time.
If I feel ill or have symptoms of C0VlD-19, I will self-isolate immediately and not come in to work. This may mean that I have to cancel your appointment at short notice. I appreciate that this may be inconvenient, but it is done entirely for your own safety. If your appointment is cancelled, you will be able to re-book again or ask for a full refund / voucher.
If you or any of the people you live with feel ill or display any symptoms of C0VlD-19 – please advise me as soon as possible and do not come for your appointment. I have amended our booking terms and conditions and you will not be charged for any appointments which you miss due to illness in these circumstances.
Visiting Wishsticks
On the day of your visit, I will ask you if there are any changes to your answers for the standard questions mentioned when booking. I will also self-check for symptoms. If there is any cause for concern, we will have a discussion regarding the suitability of a booking at this time.
I have increased the frequency of cleaning within the treatment room including using a UV disinfectant lamp. I am making sure that common surfaces, toilet, door handles etc. are wiped clean using disinfectant products between each client and at the start/end of the working day.
There will be hand sanitiser available for you to use when you come into the building. Hand washing facilities are also available.
I will understand and not be offended if you wish to wear PPE such as facemask or wear disposable gloves when you visit me.
I will maintain social distancing and hand sanitising as per the current Government guidelines, and will wear PPE when required to do so.
I can confirm that the safe laundering of couch linens is a priority and I can assure you that all laundry is washed at 60°C. Linens are changed between each client.
During your visit
I understand the importance of hand hygiene and I will ensure that I wash my hands in accordance with NHS recommendations before the start of your appointment. I will wash my hands or use hand sanitiser throughout the day.
Hand washing facilities and sanitiser will also be available for you to use.
I will aim to make your appointment as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about your visit, please let me know and I will do what I can to assist you.
I will provide drinks but if you are attending a full day course, I would ask you to bring your own food.
After the visit
In order to avoid handling of cash, I would prefer if you could pay for your course by bank transfer or by card.
In line with the NHS Track and Trace policy, I will ask you to confirm whether you are happy for me to pass on your details in the event of a case of Covid-19 if required to do so by law.
All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and mine. We will continue to take advice from the Government and the UK Reiki Federation regarding safe practices and will amend them as necessary.
Thank you for your understanding.